Liposuction in Jacksonville, FL
Natural Breast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, Permanent Fillers.
BeautiFill Tumescent Liposuction
While liposuction is the removal of excess fat, a fat transfer takes it a step further. Our fat transfer procedure removes fat from certain areas of the body and then re-injects it into another. Common areas where fat is harvested are the abdomen or hips- areas where there is typically fat accumulation. Once harvested, the fat is then injected back into the body in areas like the face, breasts, or buttocks. The end result of a fat transfer procedure is to give you a more voluminous, shapely, and contoured look.
Both procedures are fairly simple and straightforward, providing you with results without the long recovery period. In most cases, liposuction and fat transfer can be performed under local anesthesia without IV or sedation, so you can expect to be fully awake and comfortable. Depending on your overall health and the extent of the procedure, the recovery time will vary, but most of our patients return to normal activity within 24-48 hours.
Procedures like liposuction and fat transfer are designed to reshape the body. If you are considering liposuction or fat transfer, the first step is setting up a consultation with one of our board-certified doctors to discuss your goals, expectations, and overall health. During your consultation, you’ll discuss if you’re a good candidate for the procedures and which one(s) would be most beneficial for you and your goals.
Before & After

Fat transfer, on the other hand, is a procedure that involves harvesting fat from one area of the body, such as the abdomen or hips, and re-injecting it into another area of the body, such as the face, breasts, or buttocks. The fat transfer procedure can help to enhance the volume, shape, and contours of different parts of the body.
Both liposuction and fat transfer procedures are performed under local anesthesia without IV or sedation, so you can expect to be fully awake and comfortable!
Liposuction is not a solution for weight loss but to reshape the body. The recovery time will vary, depending on the extent of the procedure and individual health condition, however most patients return to their normal activities within 24-48 hours.
If you are considering liposuction and fat transfer, it is important to have a consultation with one of our board-certified providers to discuss your goals, expectations, and overall health to ensure that these procedures are right for you and you are a good candidate for them.
In summary Liposuction and Fat transfer are two popular cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you sculpt your body and reshape it. They are performed by board-certified medical professionals and are done under local anesthesia without IV or sedation. They are not a solution for weight loss but to reshape the body, it is important to have a consultation with our one of our providers before deciding on these procedures.
Liposuction and fat transfer are both effective procedures for achieving a more youthful and toned appearance, but it’s important to understand that they are not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution. These procedures are ideal for those who are at or close to their ideal weight but have pockets of stubborn fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Both procedures are meant to enhance and contour the body, not to achieve significant weight loss.
In order to get the best results from liposuction and fat transfer it’s important to follow all post-procedural instructions. This ensures you have the smoothest recovery possible and can get back to your routine in no time. Generally speaking, patients can expect to return to work and normal activities within a few days after liposuction and fat transfer.
If you have stubborn areas or pockets of fat that, despite your best efforts, won’t go away then liposuction or fat transfer may be the solution you’re looking for. Liposuction can be used to contour the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and chin, while fat transfer can be used to add volume to the face, breasts, and buttocks, as well as enhance the shape and contours of these areas. Both procedures are designed to help contour and reshape your body by either adding or removing volume at targeted areas. If you’re ready to get that youthful, toned appearance there’s only one place to go: Aestetix Plus of Jacksonville, Florida. Call us today to schedule your consultation.
Why People Prefer Beautifill Over Traditional Liposuction
If you’ve done any kind of research on liposuction procedures, chances are you’ve come across BeautiFill. What is BeautiFill though? It’s a state-of-the-art technology that is an alternative to traditional liposuction.
BeautiFill is the first laser-based system that combines liposuction, skin tightening, and fat transfer procedures in one convenient appointment.
What is Beautifill?
BeautiFill is a less intrusive alternative to traditional liposuction that provides people with a more convenient way to target those troublesome areas. Liposuction is the removal of fat through a small tube called a cannula. This procedure uses sucking to target and remove fat pockets.
BeautiFill is similar in nature- it uses fat suction to target problem areas. However, it also involves laser-based technology that allows for streamlining of the overall process while minimizing discomfort and downtime. In fact, BeautiFill’s technique employs everything in one single step, allowing for simultaneous lasering and suctioning of fat, and the added benefit of tightening the skin.
Benefits of Beautifill Over Traditional Liposuction
It can be challenging trying to figure out which procedure is the best match. BeautiFill is being chosen again and again by those who have areas of fat that just won’t go away.
BeautiFill is a great alternative to liposuction for your body contouring needs. Easier recovery, permanent fat removal, shaping and sculpting, and skin tightening are just some of the benefits of BeautiFill.
No General Anesthesia
Surgical procedures can often cause a lot of anxiety and apprehension in patients. General anesthesia can be hard on the body and can cause the recovery time to be longer. Some people have negative reactions to anesthesia, others may not want to deal with the disruption of their daily routine. One of the main benefits of BeautiFill is that general anesthesia isn’t required. This procedure can be done in the office using only local anesthesia.
Since Beautifill only requires local anesthesia, you will stay completely awake during the procedure. This provides comfort and convenience for many people. It also reduces the level of risk, since general anesthesia isn’t needed. Avoiding having to be put under is a major reason why many people opt for Beautifill compared to traditional liposuction.
Incredibly Efficient at Fat Removal & Transfer
BeautiFill uses lasers specifically designed for a certain wavelength. This allows Beautifill to maximize the fat absorption rate, putting it far ahead of other types of devices in performance. This means that your BeautiFill session is very efficient in terms of absorbing fat, helping you get the most out of the procedure.
Additionally, the pairing of lasering and suctioning technology increases the viability of extracted fat cells. If you are using BeautiFill simply to remove fat from a problem area, fat cell viability does not matter. However, many people use Beautifill as a natural method of supplementing other areas of their body through fat transfer. Think of BeautiFill as a natural method of breast augmentation, Brazilian butt lift, or permanent fillers. It takes fat away from a problem area and places it in an ideal area where you want a fuller and shapelier look. Increased cell viability increases the success level of this portion of the procedure.
Reduces Impact to Your Body
Traditional liposuction is fairly rough on your body. It’s not uncommon to experience significant bruising and swelling following the procedure, which can lead to a painful recovery period. BeautiFill isn’t as invasive or hard on your body.
Most patients are able to return to typical activities fairly quickly (24 to 48 hours) as opposed to lengthy recoveries from traditional liposuction. The cannula used for the BeautiFIll procedure is very small which means stitches are usually not even needed.
But really it’s the inclusion of lasering that helps make the Beautifill procedure so much easier on your body. The laser emits a signal in a 360-degree pattern. This cauterizes blood vessels instead of rupturing them, which leads to less bruising. The laser is also carefully designed and controlled. The temperature of the laser is specific to be able to liquefy fat cells without damaging other types of cells. It also minimizes swelling and bruising, helping reduce the pain during post-op.
Your life is busy and you may not have time for a lengthy recovery, which makes BeautiFill the perfect solution.
Effective at Tightening Skin
One of the main drawbacks of traditional liposuction is that it can leave saggy-looking skin after the procedure. For many people, this can cause issues with self-confidence and body image. Liposuction removes the fat from beneath the skin but leaves the skin unchanged. This simply is not an ideal solution for many people.
BeautiFill’s use of laser technology helps to address this major shortfall of traditional liposuction. The heat generated from the laser not only liquefies fat cells but is able to help tighten the skin. Beautifill patients tend to see greater elasticity and lower incidences of skin sagging thanks to the use of the laser.
If you’re looking for a toned and sculpted look, having sagging skin seems to defeat the purpose. But with BeautiFill you can have it all. Remove fat from troublesome areas. Fill and shape other areas through fat transfer. And leave your skin tightened. With BeautiFill you can have that summer body you’ve dreamed of.
Natural Solution to Body Enhancement
Many people turn to plastic surgery to help them get their ideal body. Procedures like breast augmentation, Brazilian butt lifts, and fillers have become more and more popular. One thing that many people dislike about these procedures is that they often involve synthetic implants. And some procedures (like fillers) are only temporary and can be expensive to maintain.
BeautiFill’s technology counteracts most negatives of traditional liposuction. BeautiFill is a natural solution to enhance certain areas of your body through fat transfer. Simply put, this procedure removes fat from problem areas like the thighs, abdomen, hips, and arms and redistributes it to areas you want fuller and shapelier like the buttocks, breasts, and face. This can help you get your dream body in a completely natural way. Fat transfer with Beautifill is permanent, leading to many people preferring it over traditional filler injections.
Ready to Learn More About Beautifill?
It is no surprise that BeautiFill is revolutionizing the industry with its state-of-the-art technology that features simultaneous lasering and suctioning. The careful design of this technology minimizes discomfort, enhances healing, increases efficiency, and allows for a natural solution for fat transfer.
If you are in Jacksonville, FL, and want to take advantage of BeautiFill or are curious about learning more about our Liposuction procedures, we are happy to answer all of your questions in a free consultation. Contact us today to schedule yours!
Frequently Asked Questions
*Individual Results May Vary*
Meet our liposuction specialists:
Our Board certified physicians and medical providers