About PicoSure® Pigmentation Removal
Achieving a more youthful appearance without the typical discomfort and downtime is now possible with PicoSure®. Aesthetix Plus Medical Spa now provides this breakthrough technology to remove unwanted pigment, as well as treatment for wrinkles and acne scars.
PicoSure® treats the following:
- Brown spots
- Sun damage
- Freckles
- Pigmented lesions
- Melasma
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Acne scars
- Stretch marks
PicoSure® treats the following:
- Face
- Neck
- Chest (décolleté)
- Back acne
- Butt acne
- Arms/hands
- Legs
Before & After

*Individual Results May Vary*
Frequently Asked Questions
Ground-breaking innovative technology which performs non-surgical and non-invasive laser skin treatment to focus on specific problem areas on multiple areas of the body and not just the face.
It uses high energy instead of heat to selectively destroy under skin discolorations and promotes elastin production, which results in skin firmness and reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Selective targeting of problem areas with high energy instead of heat, which all other lasers use, leads to preservation of healthy skin and virtually no downtime after the treatment.
This laser delivers pulse in an ultra-short (picosecond or trillionth of a second span) without using any heat at all. The Pico effect produces an outstanding effect on the skin by removing excess pigmentation, stimulating new collagen and elastin production and erasing all fine lines and wrinkles, and even stubborn acne scars. The best part of it all is that it is ultra-gentle, ultra-fast, requires no downtime and delivers amazing results in very few treatments.
PicoSure® is slowly becoming the gold standard in facial rejuvenation and replacing Fraxel laser resurfacing. People are looking for ways to have great results without having any downtime and PicoSure® has finally arrived to offer that to them.
It is FDA cleared and safe to be used on ALL skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI). This is a phenomenal technology which will help all women, particularly of Asian and African descent to safely and effectively remove unwanted spots on their face or body.
The optimal number of treatments will be determined at the time of your consultation with each patient and is unique. Usually, a series of 3-4 treatments is recommended, but occasionally results can be seen after the 1st treatment or may require up to 6.
Acne scars will begin to show improvement in 2 treatments but a series of 3 to 5 treatments is recommended for optimum aesthetic results.
Treatment intervals are 2-4 weeks but can be up to 8 weeks for darker skin types.
Due to its pico technology, the energy burst is 1000 times more powerful and super fast, allowing for a very comfortable and easy treatment.
It takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on the area to be treated.
It is a very comfortable lunchtime procedure. The average discomfort level reported by clients receiving treatment was 2 out of 10. It’s even less than getting Botox injections PicoSure® delivers energy in ultra-short bursts, and patients often compare the laser pulse to a snap of a thin rubber band.
The simple answer is no. It’s a super comfortable and fast treatment. If during your treatment you experience discomfort, we can use a variety of cooling, topical or injectable techniques to ease the discomfort level.
Option 1
for includes topical medication, where a numbing cream is applied to the skin for about 20 minutes and it helps achieve a very comfortable experience. At Aesthetix Plus Medical Spa we only use specially formulated numbing cream which consists of at least 4 different ingredients which work together to put the tiny nerves in the skin to sleep.
Option 2
includes using a specially designed air cooling system, which cools the skin very fast to allow the tiny skin nerves to relax and ease the discomfort level. This option can be used for many different tattoo sizes and depends on each individual preference.
Option 3
includes only the PicoSure® laser treatment. The average discomfort level rated by people getting the treatment was a 2-3 out of 10 and they didn’t require any numbing or cooling.
There is absolutely no downtime. This treatment may give you a slightly flushed appearance which will last for about 30 minutes but can easily be covered up with makeup or tinted moisturizer.
Absolutely, yes.
It is always a good idea to avoid direct sunlight. However, due to unique technology of PicoSure®, the risk of skin burn is minimal.
Typical side effects include temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site, which usually resolved in less than 1 hour, but in some cases may linger for up to 24 hours. Unwanted pigmentation associated with the acne scarring should slightly frost (whiten) during treatment, then darken over the following 24 hours and then shed over time (2-5 days).
Please feel free to call and schedule your consultation with Aesthetix Plus Medical Spa and be one step closer to revealing your best skin.